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Automatically actioning remote copy of folder when local copy changes

EDIT: I see someone has voted to close this as "too broad a question", but the last time I posted asking how to do something, I was asked to provide more detail about what and why I wanted to do it. So... can't win! I'm only asking one question: "how to action remote copy of folder when local copy changes". I'm not asking how to rename, renumber or make zip files, just explaining that this is what I need to do as part of the copy. I really can't think of a less detailed way of asking this without the obvious (but wrong) answer being "just use rsync".

I want to automatically copy folders based on finished upload activity in a Dropbox folder (other services could add files too) on Ubuntu 18.04. I need to:

  • Leave the source folder untouched.
  • Numerically prefix copied filenames if not already - (find . -name '[[:digit:]]*.mp3' etc)
  • Cleanse filenames of apostrophes (using, eg, "detox").
  • Create a zip of the folder on the remote side.
  • Re-copy and re-create zip folder on remote copy if anything changes in source folder in the future.

Example: SOURCE folder of 20190203

   zebra 4.mp3

REMOTE folder of 20190203 (after processing)


If remote user was to add chickens.mp3 and remove apostrophe's.mp3 in the source folder a month later, the process would would update the remote folder by re-copying and renaming the folders, and rebuild the zip file, automatically.

All single files likely to be uploaded are less than 10Mb, so even the slowest connection isn't likely to take more than 15 minutes to upload any one file, but it could take up to 45 minutes to upload the whole folder.

I can't check for changes based on folder size, number of files or modification date, because the action of added the zip file to the remote folder will change all of the those.

Currently, I have an hourly crontab running a script containing this:

SCANDIRS="$(find $BASEDIR -type f -mmin +15 -mmin -45 -printf "%h\\n" | sort -u | xargs -n 1 realpath)"

It then loops through scandirs and does the magic, but this probably has lots of problems I've not foreseen, can only run once an hour, and doesn't allow older folders to be updated.

I know rsync -av --delete with a regular crontab would work if it was just files, but I'm totally stuck with how to do what I want. The copied folders would reside on the same local filesystem (then get s3 synced remotely, if you want to know!).

I think inotifywait might be a solution, but I'm unsure how to handle the "wait until folder is quiescent for a certain amount of time but allow future updates at any time" problem.

Thank you.


  • To summarise my comments, a simple bash script framework to check for changes might look something like:

        [ -f "$WORK/timestamp" ]
        find "$SOURCE" -cnewer "$WORK/timestamp" | grep -q .
        touch "$WORK/timestamp"
    if ! is_initialised; then
        do_create_zip && update_timestamp || do_show_error
    elif has_changed; then
        do_update_zip && update_timestamp || do_show_error
        echo "Nothing to do :)"