I'm using express with node to create endpoints really easily.
I have an endpoint called /users/:uid/upload
with a POST request.
I want it to handle a massive amount of data, however sending the request with about 3.5MB of JSON gets me a 412 error (Payload too large).
My Payload contains an array of (music) artists and its albums, so artist/:artistid/albums/:albumid
So I thought about alternatives:
So I would create the following endpoints:
POST /artists/:artistid/data
POST /artists/:artistid/albums/:albumid/
This would make the large payload become smaller, but then I'd have number_of_artists * number_of_albums_per_artist
requests relatively close to each other
I'd need to persist my data to a file and then upload it, then parse the file and store it somewhere. I'd rather not want this option as the files would need to be updated quite often.
Is there any alternative that I'm missing and would you recommend alternative 1 with many requests?
Thank you
For your current situation you can just increase the size limit.
Install and require body-parser
const bodyParser = require('body-parser')
Before you declare your endpoints add this:
app.use(bodyParser.json({ limit: '10mb'}))
Although I'd recommend the multiple-requests to detailed endpoints since if one fails you can retry only that specific one. The entire operation doesn't fail that way. So if you got time to invest in this, the best way would be multiple endpoints.