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how do I parse Any in dictionary using swift

I'm not how do it parse a dictionary value which is of type . I'm able to read the key which is string and value is type of Any and has below sample values for given key

▿ 1 element
  ▿ 0 : 4 elements
    ▿ 0 : 2 elements
      - key : nativeName
      - value : Shqip
    ▿ 1 : 2 elements
      - key : iso639_2
      - value : sqi
    ▿ 2 : 2 elements
      - key : name
      - value : Albanian
    ▿ 3 : 2 elements
      - key : iso639_1
      - value : sq

From above, I only need to extract "name":"Estonian" Tired looping it did not work using swift.


    f(key == “languages”){
          var nameArray = value as! NSArray
                for str in nameArray{

Complete JSON response

[{"name":"Estonia","topLevelDomain":[".ee"],"alpha2Code":"EE","alpha3Code":"EST","callingCodes":["372"],"capital":"Tallinn","altSpellings":["EE","Eesti","Republic of Estonia","Eesti Vabariik"],"region":"Europe","subregion":"Northern Europe","population":1315944,"latlng":[59.0,26.0],"demonym":"Estonian","area":45227.0,"gini":36.0,"timezones":["UTC+02:00"],"borders":["LVA","RUS"],"nativeName":"Eesti","numericCode":"233","currencies":[{"code":"EUR","name":"Euro","symbol":"€"}],"languages":[{"iso639_1":"et","iso639_2":"est","name":"Estonian","nativeName":"eesti"}],"translations":{"de":"Estland","es":"Estonia","fr":"Estonie","ja":"エストニア","it":"Estonia","br":"Estônia","pt":"Estónia","nl":"Estland","hr":"Estonija","fa":"استونی"},"flag":"","regionalBlocs":[{"acronym":"EU","name":"European Union","otherAcronyms":[],"otherNames":[]}],"cioc":"EST"}]


  • Do not use Any. Do not use NSArray. Do not use NSDictionary. This is Swift! Use Swift types and Swift decoding of the JSON.

    Here is your JSON as a Data object:

         "altSpellings":["EE","Eesti","Republic of Estonia","Eesti Vabariik"],
         "subregion":"Northern Europe",
            "name":"European Union",
    let data = .utf8)!

    Here is how to extract the language name from it:

    struct Language : Decodable {
        let name : String
    struct Entry : Decodable {
        let languages : [Language]
    let entries = try! JSONDecoder().decode([Entry].self, from: data)
    let lang = entries[0].languages[0].name // Estonian