Search code examples

Shift marker by given specific user input

   v-for="(marker, index) in markerArray"


 methods: {
 getCoordinates: function(e) {
 //log of the lat and lng of where the pin is currently situated.

I am currently using vue2-google-maps plugin, however, I am trying to figure out how could I get the marker to shift by giving a specific street number and street name. By enabling the pin to be draggable and by getCoordinates() I am able to get the Lat and Lng of a specific place, however, I would like to make the pin shift based on the street number and/or street name given.


  • I have found the solution by using this endpoint:,+Mountain+View,+CA&key=YOUR_API_KEY

    Instead of the actual address, I have concatenated the variables that are storing these, so then whenever one of them changes, I am doing this API call, where I get in return the Lat and Lng along with another bunch of stuff, and then is here where I push the coordinates into my markerArray, and the pin shift accordingly.
