I'm creating a USER on Oracle 12 c database, using TOAD.
After creating the TABLESPACE, I'm creating the USER. I'm a little confusing about the many ROLES and PRIVILEGES that can be given to a USER.
What are the minimum/standard roles and privileges a user must be given in order to perform CRUD operation and being able to 'edit' the database (create or delete table, DROP the schema ecc) from TOAD?
Thank you
It depends on what operations are you going to perform. If you want to work only with tables in your own db schema, then the following privileges are usually enough to start:
grant create session to <your_user>;
grant create table to <your_user>;
You have the default rights to insert/update/delete/select tables which you own.
Tablespace quota:
alter user <your_user> quota unlimited on <your_tablespace_name>;
It's better to set the default tablespace for the user. In this case you can omit the tablespace name in a create table statement.
alter user <your_user> default tablespace <your_tablespace_name>;