I have a script that I want to email newly generated files in a given folder. I have been able to generate and send emails (without encryption) by using smtplib, email and uu. I also managed to successfully send a gpg encrypted without attachments.
Sending a gpg encrypted email with attachment has been a challenge however.
I used the python-gnupg library to create a cipher text for the file and thought I could just email that as the body of the email. This is along the lines of what I tried.
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
import gnupg
gpg = gnupg.GPG(gnupghome=GPG_HOME_HOME)
with open(FILE_PATH, "rb") as f:
cipher_text = str(gpg.encrypt(FILE_PATH.read(), RECIPIENT_EMAIL)
msg = MIMEText(cipher_text, "plain")
msg["Subject"] = "***TEST***"
msg["From"] = EMAIL_SENDER
msg_text = msg.as_string()
I also tried to adjust the example at https://docs.python.org/release/3.5.3/library/email-examples.html to my own needs but I have not been successful with that either.
My gpg is set up correctly and I'm able to send/receive gpg encrypted emails just fine with thunderbird/enigmail.
Could someone please tell me how to send a gpg encrypted email with attachment? I believe this requires some low-level manipulation of the email structure but I'm not too familiar with that.
This is what I managed to come up with to get a working gnupg encrypted email with attachment. I used an email sent from thunderbird using enigmail as a template.
from email.mime.base import MIMEBase
from email.message import Message
import base64
import mimetypes
import os
import gnupg # python-gnupg
def get_email_string(email_address_recipient, file_path_attachment, email_message=""):
def get_base64_file(file_path):
with open(file_path, "rb") as f:
b_str = base64.b64encode(f.read())
return b_str
def get_mimetype(file_path):
return mimetypes.guess_type(file_path)[0]
def get_file_name(file_path):
return os.path.basename(file_path)
def get_gpg_cipher_text(string, recipient_email_address):
gpg = gnupg.GPG(gnupghome=DIR_GNUPG)
encrypted_str = str(gpg.encrypt(string, recipient_email_address))
return encrypted_str
msg = Message()
msg.add_header(_name="Content-Type", _value="multipart/mixed", protected_headers="v1")
msg["From"] = EMAIL_FROM
msg["To"] = email_address_recipient
msg_text = Message()
msg_text.add_header(_name="Content-Type", _value="multipart/mixed")
msg_text.add_header(_name="Content-Language", _value="en-US")
msg_body = Message()
msg_body.add_header(_name="Content-Type", _value="text/plain", charset="utf-8")
msg_body.add_header(_name="Content-Transfer-Encoding", _value="quoted-printable")
msg_body.set_payload(email_message + 2*"\n")
msg_attachment = Message()
msg_attachment.add_header(_name="Content-Type", _value=get_mimetype(file_path_attachment), name=get_file_name(file_path_attachment))
msg_attachment.add_header(_name="Content-Transfer-Encoding", _value="base64")
msg_attachment.add_header(_name="Content-Disposition", _value="attachment", filename=get_file_name(file_path_attachment))
pgp_msg = MIMEBase(_maintype="multipart", _subtype="encrypted", protocol="application/pgp-encrypted")
pgp_msg["From"] = EMAIL_FROM
pgp_msg["To"] = email_address_recipient
pgp_msg_part1 = Message()
pgp_msg_part1.add_header(_name="Content-Type", _value="application/pgp-encrypted")
pgp_msg_part1.add_header(_name="Content-Description", _value="PGP/MIME version identification")
pgp_msg_part1.set_payload("Version: 1" + "\n")
pgp_msg_part2 = Message()
pgp_msg_part2.add_header(_name="Content-Type", _value="application/octet-stream", name="encrypted.asc")
pgp_msg_part2.add_header(_name="Content-Description", _value="OpenPGP encrypted message")
pgp_msg_part2.add_header(_name="Content-Disposition", _value="inline", filename="encrypted.asc")
pgp_msg_part2.set_payload(get_gpg_cipher_text(msg.as_string(), email_address_recipient))
return pgp_msg.as_string()