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Encrypt in Nodejs and Decrypt in PHP

I'm trying to decrypt a string in PHP which was originally encrypted in NodeJS.


openssl_decrypt($raw_id, "aes-128-cbc", "s7UbmJpfm56r6CAC6mz7KVZdRc3Fxc4m", 0, null)

This seems to always returnfalse.

Encryption in Nodejs:

function encrypt(text) {
    var cipher = crypto.createCipher('aes-128-cbc', 's7UbmJpfm56r6CAC6mz7KVZdRc3Fxc4m');
    var encrypted = cipher.update(text, 'utf8', 'hex')
    encrypted  +='hex')

    return encrypted; 

function decrypt(text) {
    var cipher = crypto.createDecipher('aes-128-cbc', 's7UbmJpfm56r6CAC6mz7KVZdRc3Fxc4m');
    var decrypted = cipher.update(text, 'hex', 'utf8')
    decrypted +='utf8');

    return decrypted;

I basically want to encrypt, for example, encrypt("Pizza") in Nodejs, send it to the PHP page (3879f91a59e9a458db62f905b0a488a1), and decrypt it from there (openssl_decrypt: return Pizza).

I know this code is not safe, since I'm not using an IV but I'm not sure how to add one.


  • Your method is not secure and can also be victim to man in the middle attacks, you should always use a IV and a HMAC
    You can encrypt in php like this

    $key = substr('encyptionsec123342',0,32)
    function encrypt ($message, $method, $secret, &$hmac) {
        $iv = substr(bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16)),0,16);
        $encrypted = base64_encode($iv) . openssl_encrypt($message, $method, $secret, 0, $iv);
        $hmac = hash_hmac('md5', $encrypted, $secret);
        return $encrypted;
    function decrypt ($encrypted, $method, $secret, $hmac) {
        if (hash_hmac('md5', $encrypted, $secret) == $hmac) {
            $iv = base64_decode(substr($encrypted, 0, 24));
            return openssl_decrypt(substr($encrypted, 24), $method, $secret, 0, $iv);
    function encryptWithTSValidation ($message, $method, $secret, &$hmac) {
        $message = substr(date('c'),0,19) . "$message";
        return encrypt($message, $method, $secret, $hmac);
    function decryptWithTSValidation ($encrypted, $method, $secret, $hmac, $intervalThreshold) {
        $decrypted = decrypt($encrypted, $method, $secret, $hmac);
        $now = new DateTime();
        $msgDate = new DateTime(str_replace("T"," ",substr($decrypted,0,19)));
        if (($now->getTimestamp() - $msgDate->getTimestamp()) <= $intervalThreshold) {
            return substr($decrypted,19);

    This is a secure AES-256-CBC method and with HMAC to stop man in the middle attacks.

    var secret = "encyptionsec123342";
    secret = secret.substr(0, 32);
    var method = 'AES-256-CBC';
    var encrypt = function(message, method, secret, hmac) {
        var iv = crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('hex').substr(0, 16);
        var encryptor = crypto.createCipheriv(method, secret, iv);
        var encrypted = new Buffer.alloc(iv).toString('base64') + encryptor.update(message, 'utf8', 'base64') +'base64');
        hmac = crypto.createHmac('md5', secret).update(encrypted).digest('hex');
        return encrypted;
    var decrypt = function(encrypted, method, secret, hmac) {
        if (crypto.createHmac('md5', secret).update(encrypted).digest('hex') == hmac) {
            var iv = new Buffer.from(encrypted.substr(0, 24), 'base64').toString();
            var decryptor = crypto.createDecipheriv(method, secret, iv);
            return decryptor.update(encrypted.substr(24), 'base64', 'utf8') +'utf8');
    var encryptWithTSValidation = function(message, method, secret, hmac) {
        var messageTS = new Date().toISOString().substr(0, 19) + message;
        return encrypt(messageTS, method, secret, hmac);
    var decryptWithTSValidation = function(encrypted, method, secret, hmac, intervalThreshold) {
        var decrypted = decrypt(encrypted, method, secret, hmac);
        var now = new Date();
        var year = parseInt(decrypted.substr(0, 4)),
            month = parseInt(decrypted.substr(5, 2)) - 1,
            day = parseInt(decrypted.substr(8, 2)),
            hour = parseInt(decrypted.substr(11, 2)),
            minute = parseInt(decrypted.substr(14, 2)),
            second = parseInt(decrypted.substr(17, 2));
        var msgDate = new Date(Date.UTC(year, month, day, hour, minute, second))
        if (Math.round((now - msgDate) / 1000) <= intervalThreshold) {
            return decrypted.substr(19);

    To perform encryption and decryption in php,

    $encrypted = encryptWithTSValidation($recipent, $method, $key, $hmac);
    $decrypted = decryptWithTSValidation($encrypted,$method,$key, $hmac, 60*60*12)//this is 12 hours 

    to generate a hmac, you can use simple md5 hashing

    $hmac = hash_hmac('md5', $recipent, $key);

    and in node.js

    var decrypted = decryptWithTSValidation(encString, method, secret, hmac, 60 * 60);
    var encrypted = decryptWithTSValidation(string, method, secret, hmac);

    NOTE: Make sure to make a unique key that is of 32 bit and is same while encryption and decryption in nodejs and php. Also keep it safe and never store it in a database.
    Code Reference : Encrypt string in PHP and decrypt in Node.js