I have a pivot (postgres)table that relates to 2 table. Using flask-marshmallow and sqlalchemy I want to fetch data from both tables from any of their marshmallow's schema. eg: Table1Schema().dump(table1_object).first: and get the Table1 records inner joined with Table2's data(Many=True): Below is my current code:
FYI: Im new to flask and the ORM world:
My Models:
class Permission(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'permission'
permission_id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
object = db.Column(db.String(70), nullable=False)
def __init__(self, object):
self.object = object
class Role(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'role'
role_id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key = True)
role_name = db.Column(db.String(70), nullable=False)
role_permissions = db.relationship("RolePermission",backref='Role', lazy='dynamic')
def __init__(self,role_name):
self.role_name = role_name
class RolePermission(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'role_permission'
role_permission_id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
role_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('role.role_id', ondelete='CASCADE'), nullable =False)
permission_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('permission.permission_id', ondelete='CASCADE'), nullable =False)
def __init__(self,role_id,permission_id):
self.role_id = role_id
self.permission_id = permission_id
And my Schemas:
class RoleSchema(ma.Schema):
role_id = fields.Integer(dump_only=True)
role_name = fields.String(required=True, validate=validate.Length(1))
permissions = fields.Nested('RolePermissionSchema', many=True, only=('permission',))
class Meta:
model = Role
fields = ('role_id', 'role_name', 'permissions')
class RolePermissionSchema(ma.Schema):
role_permission_id = fields.Integer(dump_only=True)
role_id = fields.Integer(required=True)
permission_id = fields.Integer(required=True)
role = fields.Nested('ROleSchema', many=False, only=('role_id', 'role_name',))
permission = fields.Nested('PermissionSchema', many=False, only=('object', 'action',))
class PermissionSchema(ma.Schema):
permission_id = fields.Integer(dump_only=True)
object = fields.String(required=True, validate=validate.Length(1))
role_permissions = fields.Nested('RolePermissionSchema', many=True, only=('role_permission_id', 'role_id',))
class Meta:
fields = ('object','action','role_permissions',)
role = Role.query.filter_by(role_name=data['role_name']).filter_by(status=data['status']).first()
I want to print a Role o object with the permissions[] object. However from the above all I am able to get is only the Role content. Below is the output :
"role_name": "user",
"status": true,
"role_id": 4
How do I get something like this:
"role_name": "user",
"status": true,
"role_id": 4,
There are some naming issues, indicated here by comment lines #
class Role(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'role'
role_id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key = True)
role_name = db.Column(db.String(70), nullable=False)
# This backref should probably be named role
role_permissions = db.relationship("RolePermission",backref='Role', lazy='dynamic')
class RoleSchema(ma.Schema):
role_id = fields.Integer(dump_only=True)
role_name = fields.String(required=True, validate=validate.Length(1))
# This does not correspond to role_permissions in class Role
permissions = fields.Nested('RolePermissionSchema', many=True, only=('permission',))
class Meta:
model = Role
fields = ('role_id', 'role_name', 'permissions')
class RolePermissionSchema(ma.Schema):
role_permission_id = fields.Integer(dump_only=True)
role_id = fields.Integer(required=True)
permission_id = fields.Integer(required=True)
# Should be RoleSchema
role = fields.Nested('ROleSchema', many=False, only=('role_id', 'role_name',))
permission = fields.Nested('PermissionSchema', many=False, only=('object', 'action',))