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Room Update Multiple Fields

I would like to update some fields from table 1 to be the same as the values from another table (or even a subquery). The issue is I get a compilation error in my DAO update query when there is more than 1 field.

You can see the code (rewritten to be generic) below:

@Query("UPDATE table1 " +
     " SET (field1, field2) = " +
     " (SELECT SUM(table2.foreign_field1) as summaryForeign_field1, table2.foreign_field2 " +
     " FROM table2 " +
     " WHERE = " + 
     " GROUP BY table2.foreign_field2 ) ")
void setFieldsInTable1();

I checked the query with the notes in SQLite Update Query Ref and I have tried the code in DB Browser for SQLite where it works fine.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • You forgot a + on line 4.

    If this is just a copy/past error then there must be something wrong in your original query that you removed when you tried to make it generic for your question.

    This should work, here is a working example :

    Online example

    Code :

    /* Create tables */
    CREATE TABLE table1(
        id integer PRIMARY KEY,
        field1 text,
        field2 text
    CREATE TABLE table2(
        id integer PRIMARY KEY,
        field1 text,
        foreign_field1 integer,
        FOREIGN KEY(foreign_field1) REFERENCES table1(id)
    /* Create few records */
    INSERT INTO table1 VALUES(1,'Tom', 'French');
    INSERT INTO table1 VALUES(2,'Lucy', 'American');
    INSERT INTO table1 VALUES(3,'Frank', 'English');
    INSERT INTO table1 VALUES(4,'Jane', 'Polish');
    INSERT INTO table1 VALUES(5,'Robert', 'French');
    INSERT INTO table2 VALUES(1,'Monday', 3);
    INSERT INTO table2 VALUES(2,'Wednesday', 5);
    INSERT INTO table2 VALUES(3,'Friday', 1);
    INSERT INTO table2 VALUES(4,'Tuesday', 4);
    INSERT INTO table2 VALUES(5,'Monday', 1);
    /* Display records from the table1 */
    SELECT * FROM table1;
    /* Update records from table1 */
    UPDATE table1 
    SET (field1, field2) = (
            SUM(table2.foreign_field1) as summaryForeign_field1,
        FROM table2 
        WHERE = 
        GROUP BY table2.field1
    /* Check that the update has been executed correctly */
    SELECT * FROM table1;

    So maybe try to build an online minimal example closer to your original query.

    EDIT : OK as per your comment I have tested and can reproduce the problem in my project, indeed it does not compile, error is :

    error: no viable alternative at input 'update test SET (name,' extraneous input ')' expecting {, ';', ',', '=', '*', '+', '-', '||', '/', '%', '<<', '>>', '&', '|', '<', '<=', '>', '>=', '==', '!=', '<>', ...}

    Unfortunately I think this is a Room limitation. Maybe you can submit an issue to Google to get more info about this.

    Meanwhile, you can try with RawQuery (as stated in the doc it MUST return a non-void type but you can return a fake string or empty POJO for example) :

    String setFieldsInTable1(SupportSQLiteQuery query);

    Then use it like this :

    SimpleSQLiteQuery query = new SimpleSQLiteQuery("UPDATE table1 SET ...");

    Another solution is to just go with 2 subqueries this way :

    UPDATE table1
    SET field1 = (
        SELECT SUM(table2.foreign_field1)
        FROM table2
        WHERE =
        GROUP BY table2.foreign_field2
    field2 = (
        SELECT table2.foreign_field2
        FROM table2
        WHERE =

    Also depending on your application workflow, you can modify your entity in your code and then use the Update interface to update it:

    void update(Table1Entity... table1Entities);