I'm using GraphQL plugin with strapi cms if it matters.
I cannot figure out how to update an existing query using a dynamic variable. My original mutation without using variables:
mutation {
updateExam(input: {
where: {
id: "1234"
data: {
questions: "hello"
}) {
exam {
I learned that if I would like to create a new entry using variables I should write it like so (answer by David Maze here: How to pass JSON object in grpahql and strapi):
const response = await strap.request('POST', '/graphql', {
data: {
query: `mutation CreateExam($input: CreateExamInput!) {
createExam(input: $input) {
exam { name, desription, time, questions }
variables: {
input: {
name: examInfo.newExamName,
desription: examInfo.newExamDescription,
time: Number(examInfo.newExamTime),
questions: [{ gf: "hello" }],
subjects: [this.state.modalSubjeexisting
But how can I update an exising query? Where should I put the
where: {id: "1234"}
How can I provide the existing id of the entry?
I don't know about this strapi cms, but by the way it looks the mutation you have already working, I'd try something like this for the update one:
const response = await strap.request('POST', '/graphql', {
data: {
query: `mutation UpdateExam($input: UpdateExamInput!) {
updateExam(input: $input) {
exam {
variables: {
input: {
where: {
id: examInfo.id
data: {
questions: [{ gf: "hello" }]
Give it a try and see if it works.