I don't see Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Services.Remoting version 3.3.624 anymore:
My existing projects refer to 3.3.624:
I get an NU1605 error Detected package downgrade.
Should I follow this approach for this NU1605 Detected package downgrade error?
I am more curious as to why 3.3.624 just vanished!!!
Is downgrading existing references from 3.3.624 to 3.3.622 the only way to solve this prolbem? Or am I doing something wrong in referencing the versions?
To answer your questions
I am more curious as to why 3.3.624 just vanished!!!
Is downgrading existing references from 3.3.624 to 3.3.622 the only way to solve this prolbem?
From MicahMcKittrick's response to the GitHub issue I created:
The owner has unlisted this package. This could mean that the package is deprecated or shouldn't be used anymore.
So you'll have to downgrade Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Services.Remoting to 3.3.622, the current latest version or upgrade to a newer version.