I am programming a little script to change the IPv4 address of a specific Wireless80211 or Ethernet network interface. So far everything is working fine. The script sets the IPv4 with the command prompt and netsh (to control it with C# I use System.Diagnostics
I want to add the feature, that the script disables or enables all Wireless80211 and Ethernet network interfaces (without a specific one) which you can find in "Control Panel>Network and Internet>Network Connections".
The script is mainly used for ArtNet to DMX to automatically prepare everything to use ArtNet (for people, which do not know anything of the Control Panel and to automate the workflow).
I have already tried it with the System.Net.NetworkInformation
namespace, but I have only found a way to get enabled network interfaces. As soon as I disable an interface System.Net.NetworkInformation
does not show this interface.
I wasn't aware that NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces() didn't return disabled interfaces.
Anyway, you could try using the WMI api via System.Management.dll
that's available in the .NET framework (you must add this reference to your project), I did a test and it allows you to interact even with disabled network interfaces.
The following example give you an idea of how to work with WMI via this api, I pretty much extracted it from the documentation:
using System;
using System.Management;
void ListNetworkAdapters()
var query = new ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter");
using (var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(query))
var queryCollection = searcher.Get();
foreach (var m in queryCollection)
Console.WriteLine("ServiceName : {0}", m["Name"]);
Console.WriteLine("MACAddress : {0}", m["Description"]);
The documentation can be found here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/cimwin32prov/win32-networkadapter