I have a Symfony 3.3 contact form that sends an email. Now I am trying to add an attachment to the form. I insert the following line in my sendEmail function:
... and I get the following error:
Argument 1 passed to Swift_Mime_SimpleMessage::attach() must implement interface Swift_Mime_MimeEntity, instance of Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile given
So my question is: How do I convert my UploadedFile object into something that SwiftMailer will be happy with?
Edit #1: I tried this with no success:
$fullFilePath = $data["attachment"]->getPath() . '/' . $data["attachment"]->getClientOriginalName();
$attachment = \Swift_Attachment::fromPath($fullFilePath);
Attaching that "attachment" just resulted in the email not being sent, though the application acted as if it had sent the form.
Edit #2: Progress! I'm now able to get a useful error. This code ...
$extension = $data["attachment"]->guessExtension();
if($extension !== 'rtf'){
die('Please give us an rtf file. TODO: Put a better message here!');
$newFilePath = '/tmp';
$newFileName = 'temporary.rtf';
$data["attachment"]->move($newFilePath, $newFileName);
... gives me an error like this:
Could not move the file "/tmp/phpnIqXDr" to "/tmp/temporary.rtf" ()
... which is very frustrating, since I know that /tmp
is writeable by every user.
You don't need to move the file, Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile class returns the path and has methods to get the filename and mimetype.
This code works for me:
Credit to toolpixx