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Travis task with "brew test-bot" failing over outdated Command Line Tools

I am updating travis-ci tests for homebrew tap and brew test-bot is failing with an error:

Warning: A newer Command Line Tools release is available.
Update them from Software Update in the App Store.

I got the right environment with softwareupdate, but wonder if there is way to detour this until the fresh version is not in Travis' VM image?

  • yml file:
os: osx
language: c
compiler: clang
osx_image: xcode10.1
    - /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/vendor/bundle

  - softwareupdate --install -a
  - sudo chown -R "$USER" "$(brew --repo)"
  - travis_retry brew update
  - HOMEBREW_TAP_DIR="$(brew --repo "$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG")"
  - mkdir -p "$HOMEBREW_TAP_DIR"
  - rm -rf "$HOMEBREW_TAP_DIR"
  - ln -s "$PWD" "$HOMEBREW_TAP_DIR"

  - brew test-bot
  - brew cask audit ./Casks/*.rb
  - brew cask install -v ./Casks/*.rb

Also noticed that brew tap-new template now using Azure pipelines instead of Travis 🧐


  • In the long run, it seems that the best solution is to move to Azure pipelines, since that's what the homebrew core team seems to be targeting with the brew test-bot tool.

    Meanwhile, your solution is the best available.