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How to create a WSO2 ESB Composite Application through the Integration Cloud API?

I want to create a ESB composite application (.car) through the API but this format is not listed in the supported types in the documentation [1]. Is it not possible to create car apps through the API or am I missing something here?



  • I managed to get this done by using the following command. I had to use wso2esb as the appTypeName and 24 as the runtime to create a ESB Composite Application through the API.

    curl -v -b cookies -X POST -F action=createApplication -F applicationName=CloudIntegration -F applicationDescription=CloudIntegration -F appTypeName=wso2esb -F applicationRevision=1.0.0 -F -F runtimeProperties=[] -F tags=[] -F fileupload=@/Users/dinuksha/Downloads/ -F isFileAttached=true -F conSpec=5 -F isNewVersion=false -F appCreationMethod=default -F setDefaultVersion=true -F runtime=24