I maintain some pretty old Delphi code that in a specific unit uses EmptyString
The compiler resolves it as
costant EmptyString = '' - from System.string
now i have no System.string.pas file in my hard disk, or .dcu so i am not able to know more about this.
I found in
C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\17.0\source\rtl\sys\system.SysUtils.pas
another similar constant:
{ Empty string and null string pointer. These constants are provided for
backwards compatibility only. }
EmptyStr: string = '';
NullStr: PString = @EmptyStr;
At first sight it seems that EmptyStr
and EmptyString
were used in past only so they are somehow deprecate so better to use ''
directly or define constants in the application that redefine them.
Now after upgrading a 3rd party component i realized that EmptyString
is not resolved anymore.
My question is:
what is System.String
exactly? Why there is no a corresponding .pas file in rtl?
I googled without success.
is the type String
officially defined in the System
The string
type is in fact an alias to the System.UnicodeString
type. The documentation says it is defined as:
type String = UnicodeString;
In turn the documentation for UnicodeString
type UnicodeString = { built-in type };
There is no Pascal code to define the type, since it is a built-in or intrinsic type. All built-in types are officially regarded as being declared in the System
unit, even though you cannot see their declarations in the Pascal source code for that unit.