Is there a best practice for defining a literal with a language tag and a gender declension?
I couldn't find if there is a native solution for this.
We're using SPARQL and TriG, so a pseudo example of what I'm trying to achieve would be (using TriG):
a k_content:Data;
content:content "איך אתה מרגיש?"@he-male ;
content:content "איך את מרגישה"@he-female .
Would @he-female
/ @he-male
be a big no no? How did you address this?
As @AKSW suggested one approach is using an intermediate node
a k_content:Data;
content:content [
rdf:value "איך אתה מרגיש?"@he ;
content:declension gender:male
content:content [
rdf:value "איך את מרגישה"@he;
content:declension gender:female
Another approach is to use dedicated (sub-)properties:
a k_content:Data;
content:content-male "איך אתה מרגיש?"@he ;
content:content-female "איך את מרגישה"@he .
The ontology (T-Box) could contain the following:
content:content-female rdfs:subPropertyOf content:content .
content:content-intersex rdfs:subPropertyOf content:content .
content:content-male rdfs:subPropertyOf content:content .