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Error trying to ping. Error: 2 UNKNOWN: access denied:

I have successfully installed and started the business network using composer.I have installed and started using these commands:

composer network install --card PeerAdmin@hlfv1 --archiveFile procurement-phase@0.0.18.bna

composer network start --networkName  procurement-phase --networkVersion 0.0.18 --networkAdmin admin --networkAdminEnrollSecret adminpw --card PeerAdmin@hlfv1 --file networkadmin.card

I have also imported the card created after the start of business network using :

composer card import --file networkadmin.card

Now I am trying to ping the network using the card:

composer network ping --card admin@procurement-phase

but I get

Error: Error trying to ping. Error: 2 UNKNOWN: access denied: channel [composerchannel] creator org [Org1MSP] Command failed

Expected result:

The connection to the network was successfully tested: procurement-phase version: 0.15.0-20171108090428 participant: org.hyperledger.composer.system.NetworkAdmin#admin

Command succeeded


  • It is because of the certificate errors.As I got the error in docker logs of certificate authority of org1 about the incorrect path to default ca.So i correctly specified path of the default ca folder in the volumes of ca in docker-compose.yaml .