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Qwraps2- row group label not showing up in summary table

Built a summary table, but the labels of the row groups are not showing up.

summary1 <- list("Gender"= list("Female" 
             =~qwraps2::n_perc0(Sex==0, na_rm=TRUE))

table1 <- summary_table(data, summary1)

My table looks like this: table1:

How do I get the "Gender" group name to show-up in the table?


  • It looks like you are viewing the table in RStuido via double clicking on the table1 in the "Environment" tab. The display is as expected. The structure of the qwraps2_summary_table object is a character matrix. In or outside of RStudio you can get the same result shown in the question post via View(table1).

    To see the well rendered html you'll need to knit a .Rmd to html. Or, in RStuido you can upon a "R Notebook." A screen capture of of a simple example from an R Notebook follows:

    enter image description here