I am using Laravel AdminLTE and I have it all configured, there is just one part I do not understand. I made my route like so:
Route::get('/admin/painlevel', function () {
return view('painlevel');
and I have this method in app/Http/Controllers/v1/PainLevelController.php
public function index()
return PdTpainlevel::select('pkpainlevel as id', 'painlevel_name as name')->get();
How would I call that method and display the data in my painlevel view?
Your current route is merely returning the view('painlevel')
You need to update your route to:
Route::get('/admin/painlevel', 'V1\PainLevelController@index');
In your controller:
public function index()
$data = PdTpainlevel::select('pkpainlevel as id', 'painlevel_name as name')->get();
return view('painlevel', compact('data'));
You might want to start glancing through the documentations, start with Route, Controller and View