So it's late here, and my google skills seem to be failing me. I've found some great responses on SO before (time and time again), I thought you guys could help.
I have a neural network I'm trying to run in native objective-c. It works, but it's too slow. These networks are not recurrent. Each network I run about 20,000 times ( 128x80 times, or around that). The problem is these networks really just boil down to math functions (each network is a 4 dimensional function, taking x,y,dist(x,y),and bias as inputs, and outputting 3 values).
What I want to do is convert each network (only once) into a function call, or a block of code at runtime in objective-c.
How do I do this? I could make a big string of the math operations that need to be performed, but how do I go about executing that string, or converting the string into a block of code for execution?
Again, my late night search failed me, so sorry if this has already been answered. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Edit: Aha! Great success! Nearly 24 hours later, I have working code to turn a neural network with up to 4 inputs into a single 4 dimensional function. I used the block method suggested by Dave DeLong in the answers.
For anybody who ever wants to follow what I've done in the future, here is a (quick) breakdown of what I did (excuse me if this is incorrect etiquette on stackoverflow): First, I made a few typedef's for the different block functions:
typedef CGFloat (^oneDFunction)(CGFloat x);
typedef CGFloat (^twoDFunction)(CGFloat x, CGFloat y);
typedef CGFloat (^threeDFunction)(CGFloat x, CGFloat y, CGFloat z);
typedef CGFloat (^fourDFunction)(CGFloat x, CGFloat y, CGFloat z, CGFloat w);
A oneDFunction takes the form of f(x), twoD is f(x,y), etc. Then I made functions to combine two fourDFunction blocks (and 2 oneD, 2 twoD, etc, although these were not necessary).
fourDFunction (^combineFourD) (fourDFunction f1, fourDFunction f2) =
^(fourDFunction f1, fourDFunction f2){
fourDFunction blockToCopy = ^(CGFloat x, CGFloat y, CGFloat z, CGFloat w){
return f1(x,y,z,w) + f2(x,y,z,w);
fourDFunction act = [blockToCopy copy];
[f1 release];
[f2 release];
//Need to release act at some point
return act;
And, of course, I needed to apply the activation function to the fourD function for every node, and for each node, I would need to multiply by the weight connecting it:
//for applying the activation function
fourDFunction (^applyOneToFourD)( oneDFunction f1, fourDFunction f2) =
^(oneDFunction f1, fourDFunction f2){
fourDFunction blockToCopy = ^(CGFloat x, CGFloat y, CGFloat z, CGFloat w){
return f1(f2(x,y,z,w));
fourDFunction act = [blockToCopy copy];
[f1 release];
[f2 release];
//Need to release act at some point
return act;
//For applying the weight to the function
fourDFunction (^weightCombineFour) (CGFloat x, fourDFunction f1) =
^(CGFloat weight, fourDFunction f1)
fourDFunction blockToCopy = ^(CGFloat x, CGFloat y, CGFloat z, CGFloat w){
return weight*f1(x,y,z,w);
fourDFunction act = [blockToCopy copy];
[f1 release];
//[act release];
//Need to release act at some point
return act;
Then, for each node in the network, I simply applied the activation function to the sum of the fourD functions from the source neurons multiplied by their connection weight. After composing all those blocks, I took the final functions from each output. Therefore, my outputs are separate 4D functions of the inputs.
Thanks for the help, this was very cool.
You can do this with blocks. Something like:
//specify some parameters
int parameter1 = 42;
int parameter2 = 54;
//create your block
int (^myBlock)(int) = ^(int parameter3){
return parameter1 * parameter2 * parameter3;
//copy the block off the stack
myBlock = [myBlock copy];
//stash the block somewhere so that you can pull it out later
[self saveBlockOffSomewhereElse:myBlock underName:@"myBlock"];
//balance the call to -copy
[myBlock release];
And then elsewhere...
int (^retrievedBlock)(int) = [self retrieveBlockWithName:@"myBlock"];
int theAnswer = retrievedBlock(2); //theAnswer is 4536
If you have a string representing some math to evaluate, you could check out GCMathParser (fast but not extensible) or my own DDMathParser (slower but extensible).