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I am not able to call a method out of scope

I have a column that has a button that calls a method when it gets clicked on. So that click gives me the rows object and I pull the property I need to call another method. I can not call reloadDialog it is in my component. This is in a column in DxGrid.

<dxi-column type="buttons" caption="Button"
  [width] = 150 alignment="left"

This buttonClickDetails and reloadDiaload are in the same component

public buttonClickDetails(e: any) {
  console.log('inside button click details');
  const id =;
  console.log('Leaving the buttonClickDetails');
  // I get an error that says reloadDialog is not a funtion.
  this.reloadDialog(id, 'Agreement');


  • Make sure you have applied all instructions given by the docs. In their example they show you that you need to bind the context yourself like this:

    export class MyComponent {
        constructor() {
            // binding 'this' will pass it as the context of that function.
            this.buttonClickDetails = this.buttonClickDetails.bind(this);
        public buttonClickDetails(e: any) {
            console.log('inside button click details');
            const id =;
            console.log('Leaving the buttonClickDetails');
            this.reloadDialog(id, 'Agreement');

    Docs where I got it from: Command Column Customization

    I think it's really odd they didn't provide the 'normal' Angular output event method like: (click)="buttonClickDetails($event)". That wouldn't have needed the additional bind instruction, but I suppose it is what it is.