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Spring boot 2.0.3 thymeleaf Error Rendering some pages

I recently upgrade spring boot to the version 2.0.3 and some templates started to fail, I Got this error:

An error happened during template parsing (template: "class path resource [templates/mypage.html]") 
Caused by: org.attoparser.ParseException: null
Caused by: java.util.ConcurrentModificationException: null

Anybody's faced this issue?


  • The problem was the way the html was rendering a list for a select component, it had a select inside a th:each like this:

    <div th:each="lsPassengers, ***stat*** : *{lsPassengers}">
        <select class="e1 populate w-240 tPassengers" name="tPassengers">
        <option th:each="i, ***statPax***: ${session.travelPartner}" 

    In previous version the variable stat was being used in the loop of the select (dont know why) but it was working before, I changed the reused variable for the another (statPax) and then it started to work again

    Hope this helps to someone else!