I‘m wondering what would be the simplest way to determine if the current assembly (specifically: programmatically check if the program itself) is 32 or 64 bit code.
Current example: I‘m building a C++ app on Windows/VS that is built as a x86 and as a x64 executable and distributed seperately.
Within the program there is a routine where I have to check what version is currently running (the program has to become aware of it‘s own target, so to speak).
I started going nuts with a lot of calls to the Win32 API, but all of this is very cumbersome and basically just reflecting how the OS executes the program. I‘m sure there has to be a more elegant way that I‘m not aware of? How would you handle this?
template<std::size_t n>
constexpr bool Am_I_bit(){
return (sizeof(void*)*CHAR_BIT)==n;
constexpr bool I_am_32_bit(){
return Am_I_bit<32>();
constexpr bool I_am_64_bit(){
return Am_I_bit<64>();
Will fail on some ridiculously obscure platforms, but you aren't building those.