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How does rabbitmq sync messages?

I use this simple code using pika:

conn = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(host='localhost'))
channel =

def on_message(ch, method, properties, message):
     print("Received message: %r" % message)

channel.queue_declare(queue='my_queue', durable=True)
channel.basic_consume(on_message, queue='my_queue')

Once I got a message, and my on_message callback is running, how can rabbitmq make sure not to give the same message to other worker, until I call basic_ack ? Since in my tests, if I won't call basic_ack the message will be sent again if I run the code multiple times. Does rabbitmq has some timeout from the moment it send the message, until it gets an ack?


  • how can rabbitmq make sure not to give the same message to other worker, until I call basic_ack ?

    Delivering a message to only one consumer is a core feature of RabbitMQ. The message will remain un-acked until the consumer to which it was delivered acks it, or the channel on which it was delivered closes.

    in my tests, if I won't call basic_ack the message will be sent again if I run the code multiple times.

    When you run your code multiple times, here is what happens:

    • RabbitMQ delivers the message to your consumer, moving it to the un-acked state.
    • You stop your consumer application without calling basic_ack, which closes the channel and connection without acknowledging the message.
    • RabbitMQ detects this and re-enqueues the message.
    • You re-start your consumer, and it is re-delivered the message.
    • Lather, rinse, repeat.

    All of this and much, much more is covered in the RabbitMQ documentation.