using fluent ffmepg with ffmpeg version 3.4.4.
Capturing screen using x11grab with that setup :
.addInputOptions('-y', '-f' , 'x11grab' , '-draw_mouse', '0')
It works great except that video image is distorded, like in the second picture below.
1 - image that x11 is displaying
2 - image in the resulting video
3- Properties of the exported video
Tried to use .keepDAR() option for ffmpeg but i got a 4:3 video.
This is ffmpeg log : i don't know from where that 640*480 is coming
as an input option : ie : '-s' , '768x432'
.addInputOptions('-y', '-f' , 'x11grab' , '-draw_mouse', '0' , '-s' , '768x432')