I'm new using Docker. I have been trying to deploy a Linux container (with Windows as a host) with a Google Cloud image inside using Docker. I'm able to do everything well, at the end the server is running perfectly, but when I want to check the server, using the localhost in the browser, I got a blank page with:
FROM google/cloud-sdk
ENV PATH /usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/bin:$PATH
WORKDIR docker_folder
COPY local_folder/ .
RUN pwd
CMD ["java_dev_appserver.sh", "."]
docker build --tag serverdeploy .
docker run -p 8080:8080 serverdeploy
where I know that I running the server
I did some research and looks like Docker had a problem with the ports when you use a Linux container in Windows (Not sure if it's already solved or not). I've already tried all the possible solutions that I found out there (even trying to replace 'localhost' by all the ip's that I get when I run ipconfig on the cmd) but I still get the same error.
And, as last hope, I need your help to understand what I'm doing wrong, or if I missing something
You are running your service bind to localhost
- that means no remote connections are accepted (as well as binding to
. And for your container the host is a remote connection.
Change binding to
(which I guess is default) and enjoy.
Btw sharing your java_dev_appserver.sh
would be helpful for answering the question.