First time posting, so please be gentle. I'm using bits of code from:
I'm trying to save PDF attachments from Gmail directly to Google drive. I'm getting an Invalid Argument error when trying to save the file in the last line of code below. I have a loop to go through message threads and then within that loop, this is the code that is saving the attachments:
var message = threads[x].getMessages()[0];
var saveFolder = getFolder(driveFolderID,message);//this is valid folder
var att = message.getAttachments();
Logger.log(att[0].getContentType()); //this returns 'pdf'
file = saveFolder.createFile(att[0]);
Anyone know what I'm doing wrong, or where to look next?
Ok. So I managed to figure this out so just updating.
Apparently the contentType 'pdf' was causing the problem. If I do a att[0].setContentType('application/pdf')
before trying to save the file, then the code works as expected.