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How to create bins in sparklyr?

I have sample dataframe df in R and rd_3 in sparklyr. I want to create visit_category column in spark dataframe . I know we can use Cut function in R to create same column , but how do I create same in sparklyr ?

For reproducible purpose



I cannot use ifelse statements as number of bins is more than 50 . I used ft_bucketlizer in sparklyr ,but it showed an error as given below

rd_3 %>%
ft_bucketizer("visit_duration", "Visit_Category", splits = c(0, 15, 25, 80 , 120)) %>% 
mutate(Visit_Category = factor(Visit_Category, labels = c("0-15","15-25","25-80","80-120")))

this is the error I get

Error: org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.parser.ParseException: 
extraneous input 'AS' expecting {')', ','}(line 1, pos 98)

== SQL ==
SELECT `new_col`, `visit_duration`, FACTOR(`Visit_Category`, ("0-15", 
"15-25", "25-80", "80-120") AS "labels") AS `Visit_Category`

In addition: Warning message:
Named arguments ignored for SQL FACTOR 


  • There are no factors or equivalent types in Spark SQL. Instead, if needed, Spark ML transformers add special column metadata.

    As the result factor call is interpreted as a remote functions and passed through SQL translation engine, rendering complete gibberish.

    Now, assuming that you really want to go with bucketizer you'll have to bucketize

    splits <- c(0, 15, 25, 80, 120)
    bucketized <- rd_3 %>%
       ft_bucketizer("visit_duration", "Visit_Category", splits = splits)

    create a reference table:

    ref <- copy_to(sc, tibble(
      Visit_Category = seq_along(splits[-1]) - 1,
      label = paste0(

    and join:

    bucketized %>% left_join(ref, by = "Visit_Category")
    # Source: spark<?> [?? x 4]
      visit_duration city  Visit_Category label 
               <dbl> <chr>          <dbl> <chr> 
    1             12 X                  0 0-15  
    2             20 X                  1 15-25 
    3             70 X                  2 25-80 
    4            100 X                  3 80-120

    Though it might be easier to just construct CASE WHEN expression like this one:

    expr <- purrr::map2(
      splits[-length(splits)], splits[-1], 
     function(lo, hi) 
       glue::glue("visit_duration %BETWEEN% {lo} %AND% {hi} ~ '{lo}-{hi}'")
    ) %>%
      glue::glue_collapse(sep=",\n") %>% 
      paste("case_when(\n", ., ")")
    rd_3 %>% mutate(result = !!parse_quo(expr, env = caller_frame()))
    # Source: spark<?> [?? x 4]
      visit_duration city  visit_category result
               <dbl> <chr> <chr>          <chr> 
    1             12 X     0-15           0-15  
    2             20 X     15-25          15-25 
    3             70 X     25-80          25-80 
    4            100 X     80-120         80-120

    or simply take Cartesian product with reference and filter the results:

    ref2 <- copy_to(sc, tibble(
      lo = splits[-length(splits)],
      hi = splits[-1]
    cross_join(rd_3, ref2, explicit=TRUE) %>% 
      filter(visit_duration >= lo & visit_duration < hi) %>%
      mutate(label = paste0(lo, "-", hi)) %>%
      select(-lo, -hi)
    # Source: spark<?> [?? x 6]
      visit_duration city  visit_category    lo    hi label     
               <dbl> <chr> <chr>          <dbl> <dbl> <chr>     
    1             12 X     0-15               0    15 0.0-15.0  
    2             20 X     15-25             15    25 15.0-25.0 
    3             70 X     25-80             25    80 25.0-80.0 
    4            100 X     80-120            80   120 80.0-120.0