I have a 3 byte Array which I need to
Here is what I tried
private static void GetBytesToNibbles(byte[] currentThree, out byte[] a, out byte[] b)
var firstLowerNibble = currentThree[0].GetNibble(0);
var firstUpperNibble = currentThree[0].GetNibble(1);
var secondLowerNibble = currentThree[1].GetNibble(0);
var secondUpperNibble = currentThree[1].GetNibble(1);
var thirdLowerNibble = currentThree[2].GetNibble(0);
var thirdUpperNibble = currentThree[2].GetNibble(1);
a= new byte[] {firstLowerNibble, firstUpperNibble, secondLowerNibble, 0x00};
b= new byte[] {secondUpperNibble, thirdLowerNibble, thirdUpperNibble, 0x00};
Get Nibble Extension:
public static byte GetNibble<T>(this T t, int nibblePos)
where T : struct, IConvertible
nibblePos *= 4;
var value = t.ToInt64(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
return (byte) ((value >> nibblePos) & 0xF);
Am I doing it right as demonstrated in the image? If not can anyone help me with the right code?
This is not perfect but it will give you a 4-byte array that you should be able to split yourself.
The image is confusing because it shows the bit numbers and not example values. I think this is why you thought you needed two 4-byte arrays.
public static void Main()
byte byte0 = 0x11;
byte byte1 = 0x22;
byte byte2 = 0x33;
int low = BitConverter.ToInt32(new byte[]{byte0, byte1,0,0},0);
int high = BitConverter.ToInt32(new byte[] {byte1, byte2,0,0},0);
low = low & 0x0fff;
high = high & 0xfff0;
high = high << 12;
int all = high | low;
byte[] intBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(all);
for (int i = 0; i < intBytes.Length; i++)
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0:X2}", intBytes[i]));