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using POJO Class with the GSON

I am creating a project with a Json sample array I have generated POJO class and I have a JSON which I need to parse. I have done all the setup but the app is not showing any error and it's not showing any data inside the app. here is my POJO Class generated.

 public class Android {

private String ver;
private String name;
private String api;

public String getVer() {
    return ver;

public void setVer(String ver) {
    this.ver = ver;

public String getName() {
    return name;

public void setName(String name) { = name;

public String getApi() {
    return api;

public void setApi(String api) {
    this.api = api;


 public class    AndroidVersion {

private List<Android> android = null;

public List<Android> getAndroid() {
    return android;

public void setAndroid(List<Android> android) { = android;


And my Json be like

  "android": [
      "ver": "1.5",
      "name": "Cupcake",
      "api": "API level 3"
      "ver": "1.6",
      "name": "Donut",
      "api": "API level 4"
      "ver": "2.0 - 2.1",
      "name": "Eclair",
      "api": "API level 5 - 7"

and i have parsed the data as shown below

 private void getInformation(){
    StringRequest stringRequest=new StringRequest(Request.Method.GET, URL, new Response.Listener<String>() {
        public void onResponse(String response) {

            Gson gson=new GsonBuilder().create();
            try {
                JSONObject jsonObject=new JSONObject(response);
                JSONArray jsonArray=jsonObject.getJSONArray("android");
                Android averion= gson.fromJson(jsonObject.toString(),Android.class);

                List<Android> verionlist=new ArrayList<>();
                adapter=new ReccyclerAdapter(verionlist);

            } catch (JSONException e) {

    }, new Response.ErrorListener() {
        public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {


can any one tell me what is the problem with my code. y its not showing the data. if you know any blog or a site to learn the about how to use the POJO with all type of JSON in android

here is the adapter class.

    public class ReccyclerAdapter extends 
  RecyclerView.Adapter<ReccyclerAdapter.MYViewHolder> {
private String TAG=getClass().getSimpleName();
private List<Android> list=new ArrayList<>();
ReccyclerAdapter(List<Android> list){


public MYViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(@NonNull ViewGroup viewGroup, int i) {
    View view=LayoutInflater.from(viewGroup.getContext()).inflate(R.layout.data_row,viewGroup,false);
    return new MYViewHolder(view);

public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull MYViewHolder myViewHolder, int i) {



public int getItemCount() {
    return list.size();
public static class MYViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
    TextView version,name,api_level;
    public MYViewHolder(@NonNull View itemView) {



  • You don't need to go through the pain of individually adding each JSON object to the list. Instead a better way would be to directly convert the Response String using TypeToken. Gson library allows you to do this simply as follows:

    Gson gson = new Gson();
    Type type = new TypeToken<List<Android>>() {}.getType();
    List<Android> versionList = gson.fromJson(response, type);

    or if you want to do your task in just one line of code

    List<Android> versionList = new Gson().fromJson(response, new TypeToken<List<Android>>() {}.getType());