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Heroku - Manage different application from terminal

I have a heroku account which is now storing two applications with example names loon-plotter and new-site. In my command line, I am wanting to run bash inside of loon-plotter's dyno (container) but the current terminals currently focused is on the new-site application.

What this means is I have to command $ heroku run bash --app loon-plotter to run bash inside of loon-plotter. However, I would like to know how I could switch what application the terminal is managing / focused on?

An outcome of this would be I could call $ heroku run bash to run bash in loon-plotter (without specification of which application I want!).



  • To specify the Heroku app in the terminal, you need to add the app (remote) to the local repository. The command to do this is heroku git:remote -a app_name

    Source: Deploying with Git