I want to create a button under these 2 text inputs. I just overtook the code from the docs. But I get this error :
function expects 2 arguments, but it got 5 instead.
How can I solve this?
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
[ input [ placeholder "Team 1", style "width" "300px", style "height" "30px", style "font-size" "25px", value model.content ] []
, input [ placeholder "Strength", style "width" "300px", style "height" "30px", style "font-size" "25px", value model.content ] []
div []
[ button [ style "color" "white", style "height" "60px", style "font-size" "30px", style "margin-right" "70px"]
Your code, with the children omitted, can be reformatted to
div [] [ ... ] div [] [ ... ]
Do you see why the compiler thinks you're giving div
five arguments?
Since view
should return a single element you'll have to wrap the div
's in some other element, like another div
div []
[ div [] [ ... ]
, div [] [ ... ]