I write a code using opencv library, I used codeblocks ide configuring it to work with opencv (configuring linker settings and search directory and including all the necesary path to enviroment variable) correctly and then the program works fine. The problem is when I try to compile using minGW with g++ 6.3.0 version, it gave me the next error:
ImgSeg.cpp:2:39: fatal error: opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp: No such file or
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
compilation terminated.
I try all possible form to put the opencv2 directory in enviroment variable but it has the same error all the time, it's a little frustrating. this is what I have on path in enviroment variable:
I'm using windows 7 64 and opencv 2.4.9
Finally I could compile the program but I had to install mingw64 version 4.9.2 from this link. The command that I use to compile was this:
g++ -std=c++11 "name of the program.cpp" -IC:/opencv_install/include -LC:/opencv_install/lib -llibopencv_core249 -llibopencv_highgui249 -llibopencv_imgproc249 -o "name of the exe"
It's important include the -l
lib that you used in the program