I have an annoyance that I'm trying to solve on my Windows set up.
I have Flash Builder 4 installed on my MacBook, every time I build my application it opens a web browser window (Safari) and runs the application. If I build the application again it uses the same window that is already up from the previous build and refreshes it, which is exactly what I want to happen.
My issue is with my Windows machine, I have the same exact setup. But when I launch my app it opens up a new browser window/tab (depending on which browser I use) every single time. So after building my app about 25 times, I have 25 windows/tabs open.
Anyone run into this and have a solution? I know that I could just build it and not launch it and manually refresh the browser, but I would LOVE for my Windows setup to work exactly like my Mac setup :). I have tried just about everything, I even install Safari on my Windows machine, but that didn't fix the issue =/
I have a fresh install of Flash Builder 4 on both my Windows machine and my MacBook, I haven't changed any settings in Flash Builder, aside from the workspace directory, on either of them.
I know how annoying this can be ;)
If you are using Firefox I recommend this addons, if you are using Chrome check you this one. Basically this will prevent opening duplicate tabs with the same url.
If you are using Internet Explorer then... you are a very bad person! :)