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Binding IsEnabled to the parent ViewModel instead of the UserControl ViewModel

I developed a user control in SilverLight that contains several child controls. Textboxes, ComboBoxes and so on.

The problem is, when I include that UserControl into a parent view and set the complete control to IsEnabled=False, the child controls in that specific UserControl are still enabled.

After all I found the problem.

Adding something like that, implies that the IsEnabled Binding is located in the UserControl binding, not as expected from myself in the DataContext of the parent.

<localControls:TeamEmployeeSelector Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0" Grid.ColumnSpan="2"
          IsEnabled="{Binding CanModify}" DataContext="{Binding Confidentiality}"/>

But there's still the question how I can bind the IsEnabled to the ViewModel of the Parent? Because it's not very elegant to copy the CanModify Property to the ViewModel of the Child Control.


  • Instead of modifying a binding in some way (for example you can make it dependent on other control name as it is proposed in other answer) I would move separate the control which will be disabled and control where DataContext will be changed. For example:

    <ContentControl IsEnabled="{Binding CanModify}" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0" Grid.ColumnSpan="2">
        <localControls:TeamEmployeeSelector DataContext="{Binding Confidentiality}"/>