Some languages such as Czech or Slovak alter their spelling based on the context of its usage. However FormatDateTime
does not have as many options as SimpleDateFormat
in Java, where you can switch between formatted MMMM
and standalone form LLLL
of the month.
I'm using this notation which displays standalone form 30. leden 2019
instead of formatted form 30. ledna 2019
. I suppose there should be some Windows function but I can't find it and I'd like to avoid writing my own library.
FormatDateTime('d. mmmm yyyy', Today);
DateStr: array[byte] of Char;
GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DATE_LONGDATE, nil, nil, DateStr, 256);
For Russian locale this returns correct phrase: 31 января 2019 г. (not nominative январь
GetDateFormat($405, DATE_LONGDATE, nil, nil, DateStr, 256);
For Czech locale LCID=$405
it returns 31. ledna 2019