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PHP array oddity when adding rows to google sheets

I have used hours with google and trial and error but cant find an answer or good solution. My coding skills aren't that great so this might be obvious to gurus... Please somebody tell me what is going on :D

I am writing an order from webshop to google sheets. To have stuff in right order I create array $temparray which is then fed to google sheets.

For some reason the upload only works when I do this nasty implode-explode trick for inner array(s). (after hours of frustration I just started trying out random things and found out this helps)

Wtf is wrong with my array?

foreach ($_SESSION["ticketdata"] as $key => $value) {
    if ($_SESSION["debug"] == 1) {
        print $key." ";
    $temparray[$key-1][0] = $_SESSION["ticketdata"][$key]["ticketid"];
    $temparray[$key-1][1] = $_SESSION["tickettype"];
    $temparray[$key-1][2] = $_SESSION["ticketdata"][$key]["ticketname-l"];
    $temparray[$key-1][3] = $_SESSION["ticketdata"][$key]["ticketname-f"];
    $temparray[$key-1][4] = $_SESSION["ticketdata"][$key]["ticketemail"];
    $temparray[$key-1][5] = $_SESSION["ticketdata"][$key]["ticketemployer"];
    $temparray[$key-1][6] = $_SESSION["ticketdata"][$key]["prews"];
    $temparray[$key-1][7] = $_SESSION["ticketdata"][$key]["ws26"];
    $temparray[$key-1][8] = $_SESSION["ticketdata"][$key]["ws27"];
    $temparray[$key-1][9] = $_SESSION["ticketdata"][$key]["diet-lactose"];
    $temparray[$key-1][10] = $_SESSION["ticketdata"][$key]["diet-gluten"];
    $temparray[$key-1][11] = $_SESSION["ticketdata"][$key]["diet-open"];
    $temparray[$key-1][12] = $_SESSION["orderid"];
    if ($key == 1) {
        $temparray[$key-1][13] = $_SESSION["totalprice"];
        $temparray[$key-1][14] = "";                        // placeholder
        $temparray[$key-1][15] = $_SESSION["bill-email"];
        $temparray[$key-1][16] = $_SESSION["bill-type"];
        $temparray[$key-1][17] = $_SESSION["bill-v-address"];
        $temparray[$key-1][18] = $_SESSION["bill-v-operator"];
        $temparray[$key-1][19] = $_SESSION["bill-additional"];
        $temparray[$key-1][20] = "";                        // placeholder
        $temparray[$key-1][21] = "";                        // placeholder
        $temparray[$key-1][22] = $_SESSION["customername-l"];
        $temparray[$key-1][23] = $_SESSION["customername-f"];
        $temparray[$key-1][24] = $_SESSION["customeremail"];
        $temparray[$key-1][25] = $_SESSION["customerphone"];
        $temparray[$key-1][26] = $_SESSION["customeremployer"];
        $temparray[$key-1][27] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');

    $temparraystr = implode("°§",$temparray[$key-1]); // Why do I need to do this?
    $temparray[$key-1] = explode("°§",$temparraystr); // mitä *ttua miksei toimi muuten????

// the google sheets part:
// getClient() copypasted from here:
$client = getClient();
$service = new Google_Service_Sheets($client);    

$spreadsheetId = 'sheet id not shown on stack overflow :)';
$range = "tilaukset!A3:AB";

$valueRange = new Google_Service_Sheets_ValueRange();

$conf = ["valueInputOption" => "RAW"];
$service->spreadsheets_values->append($spreadsheetId, $range, $valueRange, $conf);

Without the trickery I get this not-so-helpfull error message

 PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught exception 'Google_Service_Exception' with
 message '{\n  "error": {\n    "code": 400,\n    "message": "Invalid JSON
 payload received. Unknown name \\"1\\" at 'data.values': Cannot find
 field.\\nInvalid JSON payload received. Unknown name \\"2\\" at
 'data.values': Cannot find field.",\n    "errors": [\n      {\n
        "message": "Invalid JSON payload received. Unknown name \\"1\\"
 at 'data.values': Cannot find field.\\nInvalid JSON payload received.
 Unknown name \\"2\\" at 'data.values': Cannot find field.",\n 
       "domain": "global",\n        "reason": "badRequest"\n      }\n
    ],\n    "status": "INVALID_ARGUMENT"\n  }\n}\n'

print_r($temparray) output seems to be exactly identical with or without the implode-explode trick. This:

    [0] => Array
            [0] => SfGotLbD-1545531504-HZ2WGmpJ
            [1] => evy
            [2] => Secondname
            [3] => Firstname
            [4] => email@host
            [5] => employer
            [6] => 1
            [7] => ph
            [8] => ekg
            [9] => 
            [10] => 
            [11] => 
            [12] => 1545531504-HZ2WGmpJ
            [13] => 1050
            [14] => 
            [15] => email2@host
            [16] => verkkolasku
            [17] => 
            [18] => 
            [19] => 
            [20] => 
            [21] => 
            [22] => Secondname
            [23] => Firstname
            [24] => email@host
            [25] => 555 555555
            [26] => employer
            [27] => 2018-12-23 04:20:04



  • The problem was wrong type of data in the array. It needs to be string.

    With data going through strval() to make sure it is converted to string this works.

    For data that is known to be string already this would not be mandatory.


    $temparray[$key-1][0] = strval($_SESSION["ticketdata"][$key]["ticketid"]);
    $temparray[$key-1][1] = strval($_SESSION["tickettype"]);
    $temparray[$key-1][2] = strval($_SESSION["ticketdata"][$key]["ticketname-l"]);
    $temparray[$key-1][3] = strval($_SESSION["ticketdata"][$key]["ticketname-f"]);
    $temparray[$key-1][4] = strval($_SESSION["ticketdata"][$key]["ticketemail"]);
    $temparray[$key-1][5] = strval($_SESSION["ticketdata"][$key]["ticketemployer"]);