I am trying to create a CIFilter using filterWithCVPixelBuffer and it is returning nil. This is what I'm trying to do:
CFDictionaryRef options = CMCopyDictionaryOfAttachments(nil, photo.pixelBuffer, kCMAttachmentMode_ShouldPropagate);
CIFilter * ciFilter = [CIFilter filterWithCVPixelBuffer:photo.pixelBuffer properties:(__bridge NSDictionary*)options options:nil];
photo is an instance of AVCapturePhoto given to the delegate. I am using iOS 12 and running the code on iPhone7.
The problem was in the properties NSDictionary. I should have simply passed photo.metadata. So the function call would look like:
CIFilter * ciFilter = [CIFilter filterWithCVPixelBuffer:photo.pixelBuffer properties:photo.metedata options:nil];
Of course, you can pass an NSDictionary
containing the desired CIRAWFilterOption(s)