I use SQL Server 2014, I also have a linked SQL Server configured on it, and I need to get a particular linked server property via TSQL. The property is 'remote proc transaction promotion'. I set this option through the next code
EXEC sp_serveroption 'LinkedServer', 'remote proc transaction promotion', 'FALSE'
but I do not know how I can read the value of this option via T-SQL. Any help is appreciated.
The sys.servers
system catalog view has a record for each registered linked or remote (for backward compatibility) server. The is_remote_proc_transaction_promotion_enabled
column corresponds to the remote proc transaction promotion
option of the sp_serveroption
stored procedure. This column is of the bit data type, with true represented by 1
and false by 0
select is_remote_proc_transaction_promotion_enabled from sys.servers where name = 'LinkedServer'