So I want to implement bubble sort on a 1D array with some restrictions. I should only use IF
and GOTO [Label number]
in addition to assignment statements and comparisons. In other words, I can only use IF
and GOTO
to do looping. Normally, I do not find it hard to emulate loops using GOTO
and IF
but when it is a nested loop, I could not find the correct way. This is my work so far, for reference
0 integer i,j,arr_size
1 character*26 arr(1000), tmp
2 i = 1
3 j = 1
4 299 if(i<arr_size) go to 300
5 go to 305
6 300 if(j<arr_size) go to 301
7 go to 304
8 301 if(arr(i) .gt. arr(j)) go to 302
9 go to 303
10 302 tmp = arr(j)
11 arr(j) = arr(i)
12 arr(i) = arr(j)
13 j = j + 1
14 go to 299
15 303 j = j + 1
16 go to 300
17 304 j = 1
18 i = i + 1
19 go to 299
20 305 return
21 end
Any ideas?
I think that you code is more a form of selection sort than genuine bubble sort. while your algorithm writes min element at the start of the array, bubble sort is supposed to swap adjacent elements,
Besides the problem already spotted (line 12), at the end of first loop, min element will be at position 1 and the inner loop can start with j=2. So line 17 can be j=i+1
for a small optimization.
Here is an implementation of bubble sort. I have reversed the tests to reduce the number of labels and I use symbolic labels to get cleaner code .
integer i,j,arr_size
character*26 arr(1000), tmp
i = 1
startouter if(i>=arr_size) go to endouter
startinner if(j>=arr_size) go to endinner
if(arr(j) .le. arr(j+1)) go to noswap
tmp = arr(j)
arr(j) = arr(j+1)
arr(j+1) = tmp
noswap j = j + 1
go to startinner
endinner i = i + 1
go to startouter
endouter return