I have one method in several models, implemented in different ways. I only know the name of table in database. I must find model of this table. How to do?
interface BaseIndexedModel
public function writeSometext();
and some models implement it. Example
class First extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord implements BaseIndexedModel
public function writeSometext(){
return "1";
class Second extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord implements BaseIndexedModel
public function writeSometext(){
return "2";
Next on a certain event I need to call the desired model and this method. But when I call, I will only know the database table, but not the model.
If table "first", First::writeSometext();
If table "second", Second:: writeSometext();
You can do it this way when you get the table name
public function getModelName($table_name) {
$table_name = 'first_table';
// $table_name = 'first';// if name is single word then comment the next line
$table_split = explode("_",$table_name);
$model = ucfirst($table_split[0]).ucfirst($table_split[1]);
return $model;
you can call this function and check if it exists
$model = getModelName($table_name);