I am designing an actor that should schedule sending a message to itself.
I notice that there are at least two ways to do it.
I would like to understand the difference to choose the right one.
The first is one method of akka.actor.Timers:
def startSingleTimer(key: Any, msg: Any, timeout: FiniteDuration): Unit
The second is the pretty common way with scheduler of actor context system:
final def scheduleOnce(
delay: FiniteDuration,
receiver: ActorRef,
message: Any)(implicit executor: ExecutionContext,
sender: ActorRef = Actor.noSender): Cancellable
for receiver
and optional sender
So, if you just need to schedule messages to itself, pick akka.actor.Timers
Is it a good idea to pass actor context to scheduleOnce method?
Not sure in what way you want to do it, but in general actor context must be used only within receive
method and not passed outside of an actor neither used in callback methods of Futures