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How to create a folder on BIM 360 though .NET

I am currently trying to create a folder inside the Plans Top Folder with the name "NET folder". Using my method, the program crashes with the output:

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)

The code below is what I am currently using:

CreateFolderDataRelationshipsParentData createFolderRelationshipsParentData = new CreateFolderDataRelationshipsParentData(
CreateFolderDataRelationshipsParent createFolderDataRelationshipsParent = new CreateFolderDataRelationshipsParent(createFolderRelationshipsParentData);
CreateFolderDataRelationships createFolderDataFolderRelationships = new CreateFolderDataRelationships(createFolderDataRelationshipsParent);
BaseAttributesExtensionObjectWithoutSchemaLink baseAttribute = new BaseAttributesExtensionObjectWithoutSchemaLink(
CreateFolderDataAttributes createFolderDataAttributes = new CreateFolderDataAttributes("NET Folder", baseAttribute);
CreateFolderData createFolderData = new CreateFolderData(createFolderDataAttributes, createFolderDataFolderRelationships);
CreateFolder createFolder = new CreateFolder(new JsonApiVersionJsonapi(JsonApiVersionJsonapi.VersionEnum._0), createFolderData);

folderApi.PostFolder(projectId, createFolder);

Is there something I am missing to create a folder with the name "NET Folder"?


  • The problem was I was using the wrong object body inside the BaseAttributesExtensionObjectWithoutSchemaLink. Instead of using, I replaced it with and it worked after.