I'm building an e-commerce app using Stripe. I currently have several event listeners that talk to Stripe via its API when certain things happen (e.g. a Customer
, Product
, or SKU
getting created or updated). Because these API calls can produce several Exceptions
, I'd like to have the app email me in certain cases.
So, how would I configure my services.yml
to pass Swiftmailer to my listeners? My current setup (single example, but they all more or less look like this):
$stripeKey: "%secret_stripe_key%"
$session: "@session"
$logger: "@monolog.logger"
- { name: doctrine.event_listener, event: prePersist }
- { name: doctrine.event_listener, event: preUpdate }
Is the resource tag simply "@swiftmailer"? And what namespace(s) should I be using in my listeners?
As suggested above, I would use autowiring. This will prevent you from having to add code to your services.yml and is the way to go as of Symfony 3.3.
In your constructor of UserHandler:
__construct(Swift_Mailer $mailer, SessionInterface $session, LoggerInterface $logger) {
$this->mailer = $mailer;
$this->logger = $logger;
$this->session = $session;
So in your functions you can now call $this->mailer
which will be autowired because of the typehinting in the constructor. Same goes for Session & Logger. To find out which service you're looking for you can execute the following: bin/console debug:autowiring
Make sure you include the classes above in the use-statements