The Webots R2019 OSM importer tool is only generating trees in the World (.wbt) files, as shown in this example:
python ~/webots/resources/osm_importer/ --input=map.osm --output=map.wbt
* OSM filed parsed
* 0 roads generated
* 0 crossroads generated
* 0 buildings generated
* 271 trees generated
* 0 barriers generated
* 0 rivers generated
* 0 areas (forest, water, farmland, etc.) generated
* 0 parking lines generated
* map centered with this offset: 308595.591727,5153850.12847).
* reference coordinates: 46.511,6.505.
* projection used: '+proj=utm +north +zone=32 +lon_0=6.505000 +lat_0=46.511000 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs'.
Does anyone know why the other object are not showing up? I tested the importer with the default latitude-longitude coordinates that comes in the Webots R2019.
Thank you!
It seems the importer is not finding the configuration file and therefore doesn't know how to export all the missing objects.
To fix the problem, you should either: