I am using tinybutstrong as a templating engine.
I am trying to get the active link to display in a different color.
The following is my (trimmed down) PHP side:
$links = array (
'' => 'Home',
'about' => 'About Us',
'faq' => 'FAQ',
'contact' => 'Contact Us',
$uri = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 1);
$TBS->MergeBlock('blkLinks', 'array', $links);
Html Template:
<li><a href="/[blkLinks.$;block=li]" style="[onshow;if [onload.uri]=[blkLinks.$]; then 'color:#86AD6D;']">[blkLinks.val;]</a></li>
While it generates the html fine and nicely changes the color of the links when that page is currently active, this does not work for the empty (/) link.
How can I fix that?
Simply replace the condition
The point is that when [onload.uri] is an emprty string, then the expression can be ambiguous. Using the string delimitors, the expression is clear for TBS.