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Passing ArrayList<Object> in Android Studio w/ Lastfm API

I am trying to pass an ArrayList of type Album to another activity in Android Studio.

The problem is that the Lastfm API I am using does not implement Parcelable.

I tried making my own Album class and extending their Album class but I got the error

"there is no default constructor available in 'de.umass.lastfm.Album' - intent.getParcel... not working as Album is not Parcelable

public class Quiz extends AppCompatActivity  {

private static TextView tv_quiz;
private static EditText et_quiz;
private ArrayList<Album> albums;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    Intent intent = getIntent();
    albums = intent.getParcelableArrayListExtra(MainActivity.ALBUMS_LIST);

The calling portion of my

Intent intent = new Intent(this, Quiz.class);
    intent.putExtra(ALBUMS_LIST, allAlbums);
    intent.putExtra(DIFFICULTY, difficulty);

Is there any way I can get around this?

Thanks anyway


  • I took a look at the api you linked, and Album looks extremely difficult to parcel. I would say that you might be better off simply re-loading the list in the next Activity (rather than trying to pass the list).

    The only way to "construct" a new Album instance is through the getInfo() static factory method. You could create a new class AlbumWrapper that is parcelable, send a list of AlbumWrapper through the Intent, and then use getInfo() on the other side to re-fetch the albums.

    public class AlbumWrapper implements Parcelable {
        // insert CREATOR here
        public final String artist;
        public final String mbid;
        public AlbumWrapper(Album a) {
            this.artist = a.getArtist();
            this.mbid = a.getMbid();
        private AlbumWrapper(Parcel in) {
            this.artist = in.readString();
            this.mbid = in.readString();
        public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
        public int describeContents() {
            return 0;

    You can put your list of Albums in the intent like this:

    ArrayList<AlbumWrapper> wrappers = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Album album : albums) {
        AlbumWrapper wrapper = new AlbumWrapper(album);
    intent.putParcelableArrayListExtra("ALBUM_WRAPPERS", wrappers);

    And then in your next activity you can do something like:

    List<AlbumWrapper> wrappers = getIntent().getParcelableArrayListExtra("ALBUM_WRAPPERS");
    List<Album> albums = new ArrayList<>();
    for (AlbumWrapper wrapper : wrappers) {
        Album album = Album.getInfo(wrapper.artist, wrapper.mbid, YOUR_API_KEY);