I run the "wmic cpu get loadpercentage /every:1" command on a virtual machine with 2 logical CPU cores and I get the LoadPercentage of the 1st core only, as you can see on the image attached: Multicore Issue
How can I get the "real" CPU utilization (i.e. the average use of the 2 cores)?
Otherwise, how can I also read the 2nd CPU usage separately?
Thank you
It is probably funny that I give an answer to MY question, but since I searched and tested a lot, I want to share one more option:
I used the "typeperf" and I found the result really close to the task manager CPU utilization.
The command for the console is:
typeperf "\Processor Information(_Total)\% Processor Utility"
or the one below for a batch file:
typeperf "\Processor Information(_Total)\%% Processor Utility"
The bad points are:
1) The output format is not very handy (e.g. "01/29/2019 21:24:26.000","8.650791" )
2) If the CPU utilization is 100%, the output is >100 (Basically ~120)
3) If the CPU utilization is 1-2%, the output is ~0.5 (Basically <1.5)