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Multiple do loops in SAS

I have a dataset of money earned as a % every week in 2017 to 2018. Some don't have data at the start of 2017 as they didn't start earning until later on. The weeks are numbered as 201701, 201702 - 201752 and 201801 - 201852.

What I'd like to do is have 104 new variables called WEEK0 - WEEK103, where WEEK0 will have the first non empty column value of the money earned columns. Here is an example of the data:

MON_EARN_201701      MON_EARN_201702      MON_EARN_201703    MON_EARN_201704
     30                     21                  50                 65   
     .                       .                  30                 100   
     .                      102                 95                 85    

Then I want my data to have the following columns (example)

WEEK0      WEEK1      WEEK2      WEEK3
  30         21         50         65
  30        100          .          .
  102        95         85          .

These are just small examples of a very large dataset.

I was thinking I'd need to try and do some sort of do loops so what I've tried so far is:

DATA want;
SET have;
ARRAY mon_earn{104} mon_earn_201701 - mon_earn_201752 mon_earn_201801 -mon_earn_201852;
DO i = 1 to 104;
IF mon_earn{i} NE . THEN;
WEEK{i} = mon_earn{i};

This doesn't work as it doesn't fill the WEEK0 when the first value is empty.

If anymore information is needed please comment and I will add it in.


  • Sounds like you just need to find the starting point for copying.

    First look thru the list of earnings by calendar month until you find the first non missing value. Then copy the values starting from there into you new array of earnings by relative month.

    data want;
      set have;
      array mon_earn mon_earn_201701 -- mon_earn_201852;
      array week (104);
      do i = 1 to dim(mon_earn) until(found);
        if mon_earn{i} ne . then found=1;
      do j=1 to dim(week) while (i+j<dim(mon_earn));
        week(j) = mon_earn(i+j-1);

    NOTE: I simplified the ARRAY definitions. For the input array I assumed that the variables are defined in order so that you could use positional array list. For the WEEK array SAS and I both like to start counting from one, not zero.